
Showing posts from October, 2020

This Whole Place Is Electronically POLLUTED....

  ...even your computer.     Hey, everyone! Wow, my schedule has been so hectic lately. Hope you guys are doing great, especially with online classes taking up a lot of our time--and brain cells.     At least you are not throwing old computers away.     Do not worry! I will get to the point. Later. I swear!     Anyways, I have like twenty minutes to write this thing, so if I can get this down in five, that will be aaaaall better. Now, why is time so relevant here? It is simple. A couple of decades ago, maybe five, the world was not really into computers much.     Well, do not get me wrong! I am pretty  sure scientists and engineers were already fiddling with computers back in the day. In fact, they were SO big, engineers were using up their brain cells trying to figure out how to make computers smaller. Ahhhhh, those were the days.  During those days, since not everyone had access to a computer, there were not a lot of bro...